Monday, July 12, 2010

XL Mantis Prawns!

it's such a bummer that i can't recall the name of the restaurant that serves this but it's the restaurant before port village in port klang. they serve some neat seafood but my experience there twice so far hasn't been a good one as they were not very 'honest' with their food.

we ordered one particular kind of fish called 'Ang Cho' (hokkien) and they gave us 'Ang Kuey' which was another kind of fish that isn't from the higher quality of fish in terms of taste, meat etc and insisted that it was 'Ang Cho' which was more expensive.

so if any of you go there to check the food out, make sure you know what you're ordering and be wary of what they actually serve you.

worth mentioning however is their xxl sized mantis prawns that was prepared sort of 'yim kok' (baked with salt). this prawns are seasonal however.

see the steel spoon for size comparison...yeap i wasn't lying when i say xl.

by : callmeCupcake


  1. OMGGG this is really as big as you mentioned it to be!!!! humongous!!is it nice tho?? wat about d price? mst be expensivE!!

  2. yeah! i didnt even know they were that big cos when they were ordering it, i wasn't paying attention until it came and i was like omfg what is THAT?? can't remember d...had it quite some time ago..namind go hunt again, every excuse to go eat with everyone hehe
